Sunday, November 30, 2008

end of today..

And Atchah end up with crying today... MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!! <3

Atchah's bestest friend... forever..

*Atchah with [arwah]Nadira, my best friend forever...

Atchah found this poem.. [And Atchah really cry when atchah read it..] Remember people, friend is more like a jewel.. Very valuable [more valuable]..Always make you happy.. Always by your side no matter what happen.. And.. Dont ever forget them.. Especially your best friend.. Once you lost them, you will never feel the same anymore..


When I cry you help me out
When I'm happy you hear me shout
When I grin you know I'm really mad
because you are my best friend
You can tell when I'm sad

You're there in thick and thin
You're my best friend
You hear me out when I want to talk
You help me out when I get mad
You are the bestest friend I've ever had

So hear me out when I say
You're the light in my day
You are the moon in my night
You shine very bright
You are the bestest friend I have
and I miss you..


You are my best friend,
My very best friend,
You make me happy,
You share your great snacks,
You share your best toys,
So please don't take
My best friend away.




















Friends Eternal

You're a true friend,
that I want you to know,
Our love for each other
has helped us to grow.
We've been through some tough times,
but we've made it through,
The only one I ever trusted was you.

You helped me through anger,
you've chased away fears.
You held me through sadness,
and kissed away tears.

You stayed by my side
when the world turned away.
You helped me see joy
when the skies were all gray.

You were the rainbow
at the end of the storm.
You help me be different
when I shouldn't conform.

You held my hand
when you knew we would fall.
Every heartache,
you saw me through it all.

I'm not sure
I'm always the best friend to you,
I know I'm not perfect,
but this much is true.

When life gets you down,
And there's nowhere to turn,
I'll help you through and
I'll share your concern.

I'll try my best to return every favor,
When you're sure that you'll drown,
then I'll be your lifesaver;
Even if we both go down.

Whether we sink or swim
doesn't matter at all,
Just know that I'll be there
whenever you call.

I'll pull you out
when life pulls you under.
I'll be the sun
when there's lightning and thunder.

And when it's all over,
And we've fought every war,
There's one thing I promise,
Of this I am sure,
When the time comes
that we're put to our rest.
Be sure that you know that,
My friend, you're the best.

And if there is Heaven,
then I know you'll be there,
That if you die first
then you'll hear every prayer.
And soon I'll join you,
but just know until then.
That I'll miss you each day
'til I see you again.

At the end of the tunnel,
you'll be my guiding light,
You'll lead me to heaven,
away from the night.

We'll be there together,
and we'll never grow old.
And we'll walk hand in hand
On the streets paved of gold.


[Atchah cry again.. I MISS YOU SO MUCH DIERA!!!!]


Saturday, November 29, 2008


Huhu.. atchah love to cook!! Atchah hontou ni boring and hungry so atchah decided to cook something... dont ask me the name of my cooking coz I dont even know!! XD

Yoshi!! lets do the experiment!!

Material : Kuali, Senduk, dapur

Apparatus : Minyak, tepung, gula, air

Procedure :
1) Campurkan sedikit minyak dan air dan gula kedalam tepung.. (ikutla banyak mane pon)
2) Gaul adunan tersebut.. Make sure jangan terlalu cair.. Adunan tu mesti dalam keadaan solid, not liquid! k?
3)Pastu bila dah sebati, korang ambik sikit adunan tu, pastu jadikan bulat macam bola.. Jangn besar sangt! Just besar bola golf tu ok lar..
4) Then jadikan bola tadi tu leper.. buat lar comey2 skit..
5) Buat banyak2, then goreng sampai rangup!
6) Hidangkan di dalam pinggan! (bile dah sejuk xbrp best dimakan!)

Result : Erm.. ok?

Siaplah experiment kite pada kali ini!! Haha..

Atchah pon xingat dari mane atchah belajar wat kuih ni (kuih ker?) Name pon xtaw.. Kalaw korang tengok bentuk kuih yg atchah buat tu, xcomey, jgn la pertikaikan pulak! Qilah and Aliah yg brumur 5 and 9 tahun tu menggatal nak tolong! sbb tu jd cmtu! hehe..

Da!! XD

Friday, November 28, 2008

'Gambatte... ne?'

'Gambatte ne?!' I like that sentence.. When Atchah watch Scrap Teacher, Atchah learn something new.. we need to do our best.. Dont give up! 'Gambatte!!!' How's that sound? Great ne?

Imagine when someone tell you to do your best.. I wish someone tell me to do my best.. Tell me "Atchah, gambatte ne?!".. Wa!! what a lovely words.. And me, Atchah will do my best!! XD "Hi! Gambarimasu!" <3

And when Atchah watch Scrap Teacher, another words stuck in my head!! 'dame kyoshi' haha... Ryo-chan, Ryo-chan.. another word, 'buza mada'...

But those words remind me that 'Atchah, you cant be like that' tto, 'Atchah, never be like that ok?'.. Atchah just LOVE Scrap Teacher!! <3


hontou ni atsui Ryo-chan! <3

Wai!! Ryo-chan hontou ni atsui!! LOVE him very much! HOT! KAKOI! KAWAII!! SEXY! XD <3

Yamada Ryosuke forever!! <3 (Wait!! Chinen Yuuri and Nakajima Yuto too!) XD <3

Sesungguhnya Atchah sangatlah bosan!

Wa!! Bosannyer!!! Xtaw nak buat ape.. Tapinyer, atchah dok depan laptop jer.. Tengok Ryo-chan, Chii-chan and Yuto-kun yg kawaii lagi kakoi!! *Going crazy with them*..

*Takaki-kun,Yuto-kun,Chii-chan,Ryo-chan,and Daiki-chan <3*

kalaw korang xtaw sapela yg atchah maksudkan ni, sebenarnye dieorg penyanyi dari Jepun.. Group Hey Say JUMP! group dieorg ade 10 org tapinye atchah minat dieorang 3 orang jer.. huhu.. lebih2 lagi Ryo-chan.. Super ultra kawaii!! Kalwalah Atchah jumpe dieorg, rase nak cubit2 je pipi dieorang.. Atchah sebenarnye kagum gak dgn dieorang.. Yela.. Umur baru 12-18 tahun dah glamour camtu.. Chii-chan umur 14, Ryo-chan and Yuto-kun umur 15.. dasyat gak kan? bestnyer kalaw dpt jumpe dieorang!!! <3 *dreaming* haha..


*Ryo-chan!! aaa.. XD *

*Hikaru-kun yg hot and Yuto-kun yg kawaii lg kakoi! XD*

haha!! kesimpulannyer, cam biase lar.. atchah ni kan suke ngarut2! XD

Saturday, November 22, 2008

yey! my second amv!

haha.. ni amv atchah yg kedua.. pas ni dh xtaw la nk wat anime ape.. xde clip.. hehe. enjoy!

comment2 lar yer!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

happy ending??

haha.. tadi baru habis tengok citer 'barbie as princes and the pauper'.. atchah dh pernah tgok dh citer tu.. tp nk tgok lg.. atchah xtaw la.. selalu kalaw ade cite barbie, msti tgok.. bknla kebudak2kan, cume rase bez cos mcm musical.. lagu2 die pon bez.. haha..

berbalik kpd ape yg atchah nk cakap harini.. happy ending?? knp setiap citer, xkire ape2 lah.. terutama fairytale, mesti ade ending yg happy.. contohnyer cam cite td.. akhirnye kawin.. snow white, Cinderella, mcm2 lar.. happy ending.. haha.. xde ke cite sad ending? tp kalaw ade, msti xpuas hati..

korang pernah dengar lagu happy ending?? bez.. hayatilah lyricnyer.. haha..

cakap psl sad ending, dlu mase atchah darjah bape nth.. ade satu cite hindustan ke keling yg atchah tgok tu.. cam sad ending pown ade.. llki n prmpuan tu bercinta tp keluarga die xrestu.. dieorg pon kawin lari.. dah kawin lari tu, ayh llaki ke prmpuan tu nth g hantar org bunuh llaki n prmpuan tu.. konflik pon bermula.. pnyla dh brape lame larikn diri, last2 dua2 kene bunuh.. end of story.. haha!!! ape jnis citer cmtu?! xde perisian lgsung.. tp ok lar.. slh satu citer yg ade sad ending.. tp sad ke coz hajat dieorg nak sehidup semati.. kire hajat dieorg nak mati same2 tercapai lor.. dh hajat tercapai, hepi lh kn?? huhu.. nth ape2 atchah ni..

tapi.. atchah rase, walau apepon, happy takkan ade endingnyer... kan?? ^.~

hari yang bosan!

harini bosan sangat2!! ape yg atchah buat?
bangun pagi, solat subuh, pastu sambung tido.. XD
bangun tido, atchah g mandi, pastu makan.. then mengadap laptop..
pastu atchah solat zohor, g mengaji.
balik mengaji, makan lagi.. haha!! cuti ni atchah banyak makan!! harini mama masak bubur kacang kegemaran atchah!! yummy!! thanks mama!! <3
pastu, mgadp laptop lg smpai ptg, solt asr,
smbunglar lg, sampai maghrib, and smpai skrg.. haha!!
oit atchah!! get a life!!!!

bubur kacang yg yummy!!!

my first amv!!! (i put it on my youtube)

haha.... akhirnye amv yg atchah buat siap jugak! atchah buat amv anime shugo chara! klaw korang tengok anime tu, mmg bez! XD sila2knlah tengok yer!!

kalau korang ade account youtube, feel free to add me!!

haha! enjoy!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

english language society party...

kat hotel ms garden...

jamuan kelas...

just ordinary class party.. at balok beach..

lot of things happen... (not actually)

Huhu.. first of all, atchah nak mengucapkan time kacih too sape2 yg memberikan nasihat pasal ambition atchah sebelum ni.. betul jugak eyh.. ok.. atchah nak study betul2 dulu, pastu baru nak pikir pasal ambition.. hehe..

Atchah ade tulis satu cerpen tentang dunia magik.. sebenarnya cerpen tu untuk atchah masuk pertandingan. ni first time atchah pernah tulis cerpen.. haha.. bez jugak sebenarnye tulis cerpen ni.. XD wish me luck!

ee!!! geramnye dengan friendster!! adeke orang ramai2 kawan, tinggal 5 jer!! baka!! (sorry).. so, sesape yg rajin tu, add2 lah org eyh!!

haha... (ni geram ke, suke?) XD


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Im totally confuse!!

Wai~ atchah betul2 confuse.. ha? knp?? sebabnye, sampai sekarang, atchah xtaw ape sebenarnya cita2 atchah... when someone talk about ambition, erm... what im gonna tell them? 'ecah,nanti ecah nak jadi ape? nak kerja ape?' and dengan confident nye atchah akan cakap 'sy nak jadi cikgu'.. bile org lain pulak tny, atchah akan cakap, 'sy nak jadi lecture'... lagi, 'sy nak jadi landscape architect', 'sy nak jadi biotechnologist,' 'sy nak jadi tu.. sy nak jd ni..' what the??!! OMG.. what happen to you, atchah?? atchah nak jadi ape sebenar2 nye ni?? well, dont ask me the question that me, myself dont have the answer!!! wa!!! -.-

kite study, untuk dpt kerja yg boleh menjamin mase dpn kita semua.. (yeke?)well, at least tu la yg atchah pikir.. tapi,... erm..

nak taw, dulu mase kecik2, bile or cakap pasal cita2, macm2 la yg keluar nye.. yg paling glamour, doktor, polis.. something like that.. but, at that time, atchah prefer nak jadi cikgu... yup.. pendidik anak bangsa.. atchah rase, jadi cikgu ni satu pekerjaan yang mulia.. yela.. mengajar something new to the students.. bez kan?? tapi, masuk je ting 3, atchah mule pikir.. bolehke atchah jadi cikgu? yela.. coz atchah rase, atchah ni bukannye pandai sangat mengajar org.. and, ape yg atchah nak ajar dieorg? subjek ape?? erm.. then, atchah mule ragu2, yg sebenarnye, maybe atchah xsesuai jadi sensei.. lecture? lgla nyer..

atchah minat bab2 kesenian ni.. betul.. cthnyr, melukis, art2 ni, memang bez.. pastu mcm teater2.. atchah xpernah rase bosan kalaw bab2 mcm tu.. atchah dah lebih kurang 8 kali or something tengok teater.. memang kagum and x bosan lgsung..

pastu, atchah pon minat sgt dlm bab2 komputer ni.. tu pon x bosan.. atchah suke buat kerja gune komputer... dok 24 jam kat komp pun xpe.. (melampau la tuh) hehe..
sebab tu la, atchah memang keliru sesangat.. what is my ambition? org cakap, tanpa ambition, kite sush nk berjaye.. sebab tu la atchah risaw sgt2.. wa!!

and, selain drp tu,atchah teringin sgt2 nak belajar kat luar negara... terutama kat Jepun.. wai!~ kagum beb dgn technology2 dieorg.. mesti bez... wa!! xdpt nak menahan diri drp nak g Jepun...

sebab tu la, atchah rase, atchah kene ade satu aim yg atchah boleh usehe untuk mencapainye... but, atchah xtaw ape aim atchah.. erm.. teruk ke atchah ni?? atchah xtaw ape yg sesuai untuk atchah and adekah atchah mampu lakukannye.. ape yg perlu atchah lakukan???? help me plz!!! -.-

Friday, November 14, 2008

Time goes by, and my heart grows strong...

(Atchah ringkaskan pengalaman atchah sepanjang bulan 1-11 thun 2008 ni..)

Siapa sangka, pd tanggal 30/10/2008, 'dia' telah pergi meninggalkan kita semua.. Bukan pergi buat sementara, tapi pergi buat selama2nya.. Siapa 'dia'? 'Dia' adalah salah seorang kwn baikku, Nur Nadira binti Mohd Noor... Pada usia 16 tahun, terlalu awal rasanya untuk dia pergi meninggalkan dunia ini.. 'Aku' telah berkawan dgn arwah sudah 4 tahun... Terlalu janggal rasanya apabila memanggil sahabatku itu dengan panggilan 'arwah'.. Masih teringat lagi senyuman arwah.. Masih teringat lagi kesedihan yang arwah hadapi kerana panyakit yang telah menjadi sebab pemergian arwah... 'Anemia'.. 'Aku' tak pernah menyangka penyakit yang arwah hidapi sejak tahun lepas sebegitu teruk.. Sebelum arwah meninggal, arwah ada cakap yang dia sedih kerana rambutnya semakin berkurang.. Gugur.. Arwah ada juga mengatakan bahawa dia mungkin sudah tidak lama berada di dunia ini.. Tak sangka, kata2 arwah adalah benar.. 'Aku' terlalu merinduinya... Sangat2 merinduinya.. Selama 4 tahun kami berkawan, kami selalu bersama2 walau apapun.. Arwah selalu menceritakan masalah, kegembiraan, dan macam2 lagi padaku... Kini,apabila arwah sudah tiada, aku merasakan seperti ada satu kekosongan di dalam hati kecilku ini.. Tetapi kini, aku rasa aku semakin mengerti mengapa dia pergi dahulu.. Aku rasa aku semakin redha dan tabah di atas pemergiannya.. Nadira, walau apapun, Nadira tetap berada dalam hati Atchah, bukan untuk dahulu dan kini sahaja, tetapi buat selama2nya... Semoga Nadira ditempatkan dlm kalangan orang2 yang beriman.. Amin.. Al-Fatihah..


(Rasanya dah cukup dengan perkataan2 yang agak kesivikkan)..

'4Arif'.. Ape yg special psl '4Arif'? Dalam masa 1 tahun atchah dok dlm 4Arif, rase mcm.. 'Aku x rase tu kelas aku'... boleh ke mcm tu? Atchah bukan berniat nak memburukkan sesiapa, atau mana2 sekolah... Kenyataan ialah kenyataan.. Hakikat tetap hakikat.. Kita xboleh nak menutupnya walaupun benda tu dah terang dan nyata lagi kat depan mata kita.. Kan? Ya.. Atchah tau, kita boleh je buat2 tak tau, buat2 xnampak.. huh.. tapi.. tetap berlaku!!

'4Arif'.. bila org ckp je, 'Ecah dok 4 Arif eyh? Pandainyer!' Ha??!! Pandai?? Atchah mengaku, atchah ni bukannyer pandai sangat pon.. erm.. maybe sebenar2nye atchah ni pandai tapi selalu sifat malas tu menguasai diri atchah.. sebab tu 'pandai' atchah tu menyepikan diri.. bila cakap pasal 4Arif, org pikir, 'owh.. budak2 dlm tu mesti ok2 coz tu kan kelas sains.. kelas sains kat dlm sekolah tu cume ade 1 kelas jer.. ke, 2? tu pon kelas 4Arif, and 5 Arif..' what the??!! ok korang kate??! ok2.. now, atchah nak bongkarkan segala2nye.. Tapi ingat, bukan untuk memburukkan, tapi nak suh korang2 yang bace ni, ambiklah iktibar eyh??

Huh.. ape citer pasal 4Arif? Masuk bilik guru, sebut psl kelas tu, mcm dah xde cikgu yg respect.. cikgu yang mengajar kelas tu sumenyer akan cakap.. 'Kelas tu lebih teruk dari kelas .... (cikgu sebut kelas2 yang blkg2) baiklah kelas belakang tuh.. walaupun dieorang xla berape, tapi sekurang2 nye dieorang taw nak HORMAT GURU!! HORMAT ORANG LAIN!!' budak kelas 4Arif, kalau pandai semata2, tapi xtaw nak hormat or nak beradab dgn org lain, xgune jgk!!'
Kalaw ade cikgu yg ganti cikgu lain masuk kelas tu, mesti cikgu tu cakap, 'betullah ape yg selame ni cikgu2 awk cakap' ha?? what do you mean by that? sensei? ceh.. buat2 xtaw... nak taw x.. dieorang ni sememangnyer dah melampau.. dah melampau sangat2.. sampai ade tahap nak menghalau cikgu keluar kelas.. acthah n shali hanya mampu mengucap panjang.. kiteorg xmampu nak buat ape2 coz kiteorg pon memang dah xtahan!!

Korang kene taw, cikgulah yang mengajar kite.. bg ilmu kat kite.. bolehke korang hidup dgn berjaya tanpa cikgu.. cikgulah antara salah seorang yang kita semua kena hormat.. kalaw xde cikgu, xkemana jugak kite semua ni.. kan?? Ya Allah... moga tahun hadapan, dieorg sume ni akan sedar akan kesalahan dieorang.. Dahla tahun depan nak SPM..


Cakap pasal SPM, kepada semua kakak2 and abang2 yang tengah menduduki SPM tu, good luck yer!! All the best!! <3
and cakap lagi pasal SPM, pejam celik, pejam celik, dah cuti sekolah!!! tu bermakne, tahun depan, atchah tingkatan 5 and akan ambik SPM!! wa~ cepatnye masa berlalu!! Nadira, kita xsempat nak ambik SPM sama2.. Tapi xpe, atchah akan buat yang terbaik!! Ok!!?? cume 10 subjek jer!!! '-.-

WA!!~ 10??!!! mcm mane nie!!!! cuti sekolah ni, sebenarnye atchah berazam nak study semule ape yang kiteorang belajar sepanjang ting 4 ni.. but atchah need somebody to study along!!! i cant do it without a friend beside me!! a least kalaw ade kwn nk study same2, bolehlah diberi tunjuk ajar.. wa~ help me somebody!! i need sensei!!!